Thursday, February 28, 2008

Survey of unorganised manufacturing enterprises

Some of the important findings of the survey are given below:

The estimated number of unorganised manufacturing enterprises in India during 2005-06 was 17.07 million.

Out of the total enterprises 71% were located in rural areas and the remaining 29% in urban areas.

A total of about 36.44 million workers were estimated to be working in unorganised manufacturing enterprises.

Gross Value Added (GVA) by unorganised manufacturing enterprises in India during 2005-06 was estimated as Rs. 87586 crores.

Rural and urban areas contributed 43% and 57% respectively to GVA by unorganised manufacturing enterprises in India during 2005-06.

At all-India level, GVA per enterprise was estimated as Rs.51307.

At all-India level, GVA per worker was estimated as Rs.24034.

'Raw materials' constituted about 85% of total operating expenses of unorganised manufacturing enterprises.

'Products and by-products manufactured' constituted about 80% of gross receipts of unorganised manufacturing enterprises.

During 2005-06, aggregate Gross Value Added (GVA) by enterprise type and sector at all-India and also GVA per enterprise and per worker by enterprise type and sector at all-India are given in Annex I. Percentage shares of different States/UTs in aggregate annual GVA during 2005-06 is given in Annex-II.

Read the full article at:

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